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J Med Humanit ; 44(4): 503-531, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37526858


This paper offers a novel, qualitative approach to evaluating the outcomes of integrating humanities and ethics into a newly revised pre-clerkship medical education curriculum. The authors set out to evaluate medical students' perceptions, learning outcomes, and growth in identity development. Led by a team of interdisciplinary scholars, this qualitative project examines multiple sources of student experience and perception data, including student essays, end-of-year surveys, and semi-structured interviews with students. Data were analyzed using deductive and inductive processes to identify key categories and recurring themes. Results suggest that students not only engaged with the curricular content and met the stated learning objectives but also acknowledged their experience in the humanities and ethics curriculum as an opportunity to reflect, expand their perceptions of medicine (and what it means to be "in" medicine), connect with their classmates, and further cultivate their personal and professional identities. Results of this qualitative study show how and in what ways the ethics and humanities curriculum motivates students past surface-level memorization of factual knowledge and encourages thoughtful analysis and evaluation about how the course material relates to and influences their thinking and how they see themselves as future doctors. The comprehensive qualitative approach reflects a holistic model for evaluating the integration of humanities and ethics into the pre-clerkship medical education curriculum. Future research should examine if this approach provides a protective factor against the demonstrated ethical erosion and empathy decrease during clinical training.

Educação Médica , Médicos , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Ciências Humanas/educação , Currículo , Aprendizagem , Ética Médica
Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract ; 28(4): 1093-1114, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36729197


BACKGROUND: It has been widely recognized that ethics is central to the practice of medicine. Since physicians' identities are heavily influenced by their basic medical training, education in ethics during this period would facilitate their professional development. To enable this, some global and national organizations have published guidelines detailing the aspects of ethics that need to be taught to medical student. However, it is not known how many such guidelines exist and to what extent they concur or differ. AIM: This study aims to identify and examine the content of existing national or international guidelines on the inclusion of ethics in basic medical education, in the English language. By doing so, it hopes to explore and highlight the similarities and differences regarding their pedagogical goals and their prescribed content, thereby contributing to a more holistic understanding on the state of medical ethics education. METHODS: Data collection was performed through systematic searches on Google and on scientific databases. The guidelines that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were thematically analyzed using the method proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006). The resulting themes and sub-themes were grouped and characterized. RESULTS: Thirteen guidelines (ten national and three international) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, two major approaches can be discerned: value-based and norm-based. Value-based guidelines tend to be more globally applicable, because they endorse more abstract and universal principles. Norm-based guidelines, on the other hand, are more context-specific and have a practical focus. Understanding this distinction could facilitate discussions on different perspectives in ethics education.

Educação Médica , Ética Médica , Guias como Assunto , Humanos , Médicos , Estudantes de Medicina
Med Humanit ; 49(2): 289-296, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36192139


Even as Wilkie Collins's Heart and Science continues in the tradition of cautionary tales of medicine and science, it also integrates nineteenth-century discussions of medical ethics, vivisection and women, further building on earlier criticisms of scientific hubris. By indicting a fictional medical doctor and his methodology, Heart and Science depicts the extremes of good and bad, ethical and unethical medicine-whether the doctor can care, and not simply solve the medical enigma-in light of a changing medical field that prized objectivity and distance from the subject over the old holistic way of listening to a patient in order to understand her malady. In reading Collins within his historical context and against a changing environment within the medical sciences, literary critics discern a gendered doctor-patient relationship and observe a Victorian author's attempts to combat the fears of scientific advancement by using or aligning himself with a proto-feminist perspective.

Relações Médico-Paciente , Vivissecção , Animais , Feminino , Humanos , Vivissecção/história , Ética Médica
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 16-31, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519108


ensaio clínico de pacientes únicos (ECPU/ensaio n-de-1) consiste na observação sistemática de condutas terapêuticas adotadas para otimizar o restabelecimento da saúde em um único paciente, com múltiplos cruzamentos ao longo do tratamento, podendo ter adicionalmente propósito de pesquisa clínica. Foi proposto há décadas e tem sido mais utilizado nas áreas de psicologia clínica, recebendo maior atenção em estudos médicos nos últimos anos. Embora seja considerado como o tipo de estudo com maior força para tomada de decisões terapêuticas, ainda são escassas as publicações sobre o seu emprego em medicina. Este artigo aborda as possibilidades dos ECPUs na avaliação dos resultados clínicos da homeopatia, explorando seus aspectos metodológicos, éticos e educacionais característicos em comparação aos ensaios clínicos randomizados tradicionais. Em pesquisa clínica, diferentemente dos ensaios convencionais, os ECPUs permitem a participação mais direta do paciente na escolha dos procedimentos e acompanhamento dos resultados, com possibilidade de alterações imediatas e sem que seja necessária sua exclusão do estudo, além de implicações de ordem econômica, política e ética. Podem ser utilizados no teste de medicamentos usados de modo off label, sem as restrições impostas à inclusão de pacientes vulneráveis nos estudos clínicos habituais, com excessiva artificialização no delineamento experimental. Poderiam ser ainda adotados nas diversas fases de teste clínico dos medicamentos, reduzindo a exposição de grande número de participantes aos riscos da pesquisa e baixa margem de extrapolação clínica dos resultados ao conjunto da população. Em homeopatia, podem ajudar a aprimorar o conhecimento dos medicamentos já em uso ou a melhor detectar os efeitos de novas substâncias testadas em ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos. Em função do seu propósito principal de otimização do tratamento individual ­ e do alinhamento com os princípios éticos da autonomia e beneficência associados à prática da medicina centrada-no-paciente ou de precisão - podem ser desenvolvidos em conjunto com o paciente e familiares, sem a obrigatoriedade de aprovação prévia por Comissões de Ética Médica ou Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa.

The single-patient clinical trial (n-of-1 trial) is primarily designed to systematically observe outcomes from different therapeutic options to optimize the restoration of health in a single patient, with multiple crossovers throughout the treatment. They may additionally have a clinical research purpose. They have been proposed for decades and were mostly used in clinical psychology, receiving greater attention in medical studies in recent years. Although it is considered the type of study with the greatest strength for therapeutic decision-making, there are still few publications with its application in medicine. This article discusses the possibilities of single-patient clinical trials in assessing homeopathy outcomes, exploring their characteristic methodological, educational and ethical aspects compared to traditional randomized clinical trials. In clinical research, unlike conventional trials, single-patient clinical trials allow for more direct patient participation in choosing procedures and monitoring results, with the possibility of immediate changes without the need for their exclusion from the study, in addition to economic, political and ethical implications. They can be used in testing off-label drugs without the restrictions imposed on the inclusion of vulnerable patients in usual clinical studies, with excessive artificiality in the experimental design. They could also be adopted in the various clinical trial phases of drugs, reducing the exposure of many participants to the risks of research and low margin of clinical extrapolation of the results to the entire population. In homeopathy, they can help refine the knowledge of medications already in use or better detect the effects of new substances tested in homeopathic pathogenetic trials. Due to their purpose of optimizing individual treatment ­ and alignment with the principles of patient-centered or precision medicine ­ they can be developed jointly with the patient and her family without the mandatory prior approval by Medical Ethics Committees or Research Ethics Committees.

Humanos , Clínica Homeopática , Condutas Terapêuticas/normas , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados como Assunto/ética , Ética Médica , Medicina de Precisão
São Paulo; CREMESP; 2023. 184 p.
Monografia em Português | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1434890


A homeopatia é uma área especializada do conhecimento médico, praticada entre nós há quase dois séculos, que tem sido progressivamente exposta e pesquisada nos meios acadêmicos. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores do conhecimento médico-científico, ocupando posição de destaque no cenário mundial a publicação de artigos técnicos em homeopatia por cientistas brasileiros. Tal fato pode ser decorrência do seu reconhecimento como especialidade médica pelo Conselho Federal de Medicina, em 1980, com criação de movimentos internos para sua difusão e investigação em escolas médicas e ambientes acadêmicos. A homeopatia é uma área distinta na terapêutica médica que se vale de medicamentos preparados conforme farmacotécnica própria, oficialmente aprovada, e aplicados segundo um princípio de cura enunciado há mais de dois mil anos por Hipócrates. De acordo com o relatório Demografia Médica no Brasil (2023), a homeopatia ocupa o 33º lugar em número de especialistas, entre as 55 especialidades, contando com 2.973 médicos certificados. A este número, devem ser acrescidos outros médicos que conhecem e utilizam a homeopatia em suas outras especialidades, pois boa parte dos médicos especialistas em homeopatia também têm outra especialidade paralela: 31% são qualificados em Pediatria, 20% em Clínica Médica, 12% em Acupuntura e 9% em Medicina de Família e Comunidade, entre outras. Esta obra é fruto de um trabalho coletivo da Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do CREMESP, que durante um ano se dedicou à sua elaboração, com discussão dos tópicos e prévia revisão conjunta dos textos elaborados por membros da Câmara Técnica ou convidados. É oportuna e de utilidade pública a sua divulgação para todos os médicos que ainda não a conhecem, pois dialoga, em diversas passagens, com as necessidades e expectativas dos profissionais médicos, independentemente de sua área de especialização ou de atuação.

Médicos Homeopatas/legislação & jurisprudência , Ética Médica
Indian J Med Ethics ; VII(2): 150-151, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35765254


The editorial by Nikhil Govind in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics is disturbing because of its epistemological connotations [1]. In this rejoinder, I will not address the merits or demerits of indigenous traditions in medicine, or homeopathy (which, though not an indigenous tradition is part of what is infelicitously called AYUSH - Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy). What I am concerned with here are the questions of knowledge, the scientific method, and its connotations.

Homeopatia , Yoga , Povo Asiático , Ética Médica , Humanos , Conhecimento
Indian J Med Ethics ; VII(1): 1-8, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35712834


The World Health Organization (WHO) in its Alma Ata Declaration, 1978, focuses on the development, promotion and recognition of the traditional medical systems. India has taken steps in this direction by recognising Unani medicine with other traditional medical systems practised in India. Presently, Government is promoting integration of the recognised traditional medical systems with conventional medicine at the national level, as an interdisciplinary approach to providing better patient-centred care. Bioethics is a field of enquiry that examines ethical issues and dilemmas emerging from medical care and research involving humans. Although the term 'bioethics' was first mentioned in 1927 and later established as a distinct discipline in 1970s, the ethical principles in various contexts had been described centuries ago in the classical texts pertaining to traditional medical systems. Since ethics as a code of conduct was followed by ancient Unani physicians to safeguard the interests of humanity when providing healthcare, it was felt that a review of classical Unani manuscripts should be attempted to give an insight into codes of conduct described by various Unani physicians. In this paper, a 10th century book, "Kamilussanah" authored by Ali ibn Abbas al-Majoosi, also known as Majoosi (930-994 CE), is reviewed through the prism of ethics.

Bioética , Médicos , Bioética/história , Ética Médica , Humanos , Medicina Unani , Obrigações Morais
BMC Med Educ ; 22(1): 284, 2022 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35428246


BACKGROUND: Traditional lecture-based medical ethics and law courses deliver knowledge but may not improve students' learning motivation. To bridge this theory-to-practice gap and facilitate students' learning effectiveness, we applied situated-learning theory to design an interdisciplinary court-based learning (CBL) component within the curriculum. Our study aimed to investigate students' learning feedbacks and propose a creative course design. METHODS: A total of 135 fourth-year medical students participated in this course. The CBL component included 1 h of introduction, 1 h of court attendance, and 2 h of interdisciplinary discussion with senior physicians, judges, and prosecutors. After the class, we conducted a survey using a mixed-methods approach to gauge students' perceptions of engagement, performance, and satisfaction. RESULTS: A total of 97 questionnaires were received (72% response rate). Over 70% of respondents were satisfied and felt that the class was useful except for role-playing activities (60%). More than 60% reported a better understanding of the practical applications of medical law. Approximately half (54%) reported less anxiety about medical disputes. 73% reported that the lecture provided awareness of potential medical disputes, and most respondents expressed an interest in medical law courses after the court visit (78%). 80% of the respondents were able to display empathy and apply mediation skills. Qualitative analyses showed that students demonstrated new knowledge, including recognizing the significance of the medical profession, distinguishing the importance of physician-patient communication, having confidence in the fairness of the justice system, and being willing to increase their legal knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: CBL curriculum increases students' learning motivation in strengthening medical professionalism and medical law, develops students' empathy for patients and communication skills, as well as builds up students' trust in the justice system. This novel course design can be applied to teach medical ethics and law.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Estudantes de Medicina , Currículo , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/métodos , Ética Médica , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Desempenho de Papéis
BMC Cancer ; 22(1): 203, 2022 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35197002


BACKGROUND: The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the evidence and clinical outcomes of screening interventions and implementation trials in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and also appraise some ethical issues related to screening in the region through quantitative and qualitative narrative synthesis of the literature. METHODS: We searched Pubmed, OvidMEDLINE, Embase, and Web of Science to identify studies published on breast cancer screening interventions and outcomes in SSA. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the frequency and proportions of extracted variables, and narrative syntheses was used to evaluate the clinical outcomes of the different screening modalities. The mixed methods appraisal tool was used to assess the quality of studies included in the review. RESULTS: Fifteen studies were included, which consisted of 72,572 women in ten countries in SSA. 63% (8/15) of the included publications evaluated Clinical Breast Examination (CBE), 47% (7/15) evaluated mammography and 7% (1/15) evaluated ultrasound screening. The cancer detection rate was < 1/1000 to 3.3/1000 and 3.3/100 to 56/1000 for CBE and mammography screening respectively. There was a lot of heterogeneity in CBE methods, target age for screening and no clear documentation of screening interval. Cost-effective analyses showed that CBE screening linked to comprehensive cancer care is most cost effective. There was limited discussion of the ethics of screening, including the possible harms of screening in the absence of linkage to care. The gap between conducting good screening program and the appropriate follow-up with diagnosis and treatment remains one of the major challenges of screening in SSA. DISCUSSION: There is insufficient real-world data to support the systematic implementation of national breast cancer screening in SSA. Further research is needed to answer important questions about screening, and national and international partnerships are needed to ensure that appropriate diagnostic and treatment modalities are available to patients who screen positive.

Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/ética , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/estatística & dados numéricos , Ética Médica , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , África Subsaariana , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/psicologia , Feminino , Implementação de Plano de Saúde/ética , Implementação de Plano de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Mamografia/ética , Mamografia/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Adulto Jovem
J Emerg Med ; 62(3): 413-418, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35065862


BACKGROUND: In our multicultural society, as well as when working internationally, emergency physicians (EPs) frequently see patients from cultures with communitarian or hierarchal structures. These groups may rely on traditional medical practices and view health care decisions through a lens other than patient autonomy. This leads to uncertainty about who can legitimately make decisions for patients and how to apply basic ethical principles. Because the commonly taught ethical principles (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and distributive justice) are loosely defined, they provide little help to EPs when working with cultures that de-emphasize Western individualism. CASE REPORT: The case illustrates this complexity by detailing how visiting EPs dealt with leaders from a communitarian culture who demanded that a preteen be treated for a femur fracture by a traditional bone healer rather than with modern techniques. DISCUSSION: The Western-trained clinicians struggled with their ethical responsibility to protect the child's welfare within the social setting: What should beneficence look like in this situation and to whom did it apply? More broadly, this paper examines the bases on which health care professionals might justify overruling parental decisions. It also asks whether the lack of clarity of the most used Western ethical principles suggests the need to broaden clinical ethics education to include issues from other cultures and settings. CONCLUSIONS: Despite principlism's shortcomings, the ease of teaching ethics to health care providers by grouping basic philosophical ideas suggests that we continue to use its structure. As educators and practitioners, we should, however, expand the concept of principlism to better address ethical values and issues found across different cultures.

Bioética , Autonomia Pessoal , Beneficência , Criança , Ética Médica , Humanos , Ética Baseada em Princípios , Justiça Social
Acta Ortop Mex ; 36(4): 257-262, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36977647


The important ethical aspect of medical education is presented; the ethics of the professor (educator, facilitator, teacher), of the student (both as a participant in the teaching or as a teacher) and with the patient, a relationship that should be holistic and humanitarian. Mention is made of the mistakes that can be made in teaching and that create an ethical conflict between educator and student. The Mexican Official Norms that establish and govern undergraduate and postgraduate teaching (all processes in the formation of Human Resources for Health) are presented. The Mexican Official Norm that governs research on human beings and its ethics, which is essential for the formation of the physician, is commented on.

Se presenta el aspecto ético, esencial en la enseñanza de la medicina, la ética del profesor (educador, facilitador, maestro), del alumno (tanto como partícipe de la enseñanza o como docente) y con el paciente, una relación que debe ser holística y humanitaria. Se mencionan los errores en los que se puede caer en la enseñanza y que crean un conflicto ético entre educador y educando. Se presentan las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas que establecen y rigen la enseñanza de pregrado y postgrado (procesos todos en la formación de recursos humanos para la salud), se comenta la Norma Oficial Mexicana que rige la investigación en seres humanos y su ética, la cual es fundamental en la formación del médico.

Ética Médica , Ensino , Humanos , México
J Med Ethics ; 48(11): 801-804, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34261801


Once common, therapeutic privilege-the practice whereby a physician withholds diagnostic or prognostic information from a patient intending to protect the patient-is now generally seen as unethical. However, instances of therapeutic privilege are common in some areas of clinical psychiatry. We describe therapeutic privilege in the context of borderline personality disorder, discuss the implications of diagnostic non-disclosure on integrated care and offer recommendations to promote diagnostic disclosure for this patient population.

Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline , Prestação Integrada de Cuidados de Saúde , Humanos , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/diagnóstico , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/terapia , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/psicologia , Ética Médica , Revelação
Semin Pediatr Surg ; 30(5): 151105, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34635285


Application of Quality Improvement methodology to nuanced clinical scenarios may be useful to ensure consistent delivery of equitable and comprehensive care. The purpose of this article is to inform the pediatric surgical readership of opportunities where quality improvement methodology may aid in navigating ethical nuances of complex surgical care. We present three case scenarios and discuss how quality improvement methodology could be utilized to address issues of provider autonomy, patient autonomy, and justice.

Ética Médica , Melhoria de Qualidade , Criança , Humanos
BMC Med Ethics ; 22(1): 112, 2021 08 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412649


BACKGROUND: Machine learning-based clinical decision support systems (ML_CDSS) are increasingly employed in various sectors of health care aiming at supporting clinicians' practice by matching the characteristics of individual patients with a computerised clinical knowledge base. Some studies even indicate that ML_CDSS may surpass physicians' competencies regarding specific isolated tasks. From an ethical perspective, however, the usage of ML_CDSS in medical practice touches on a range of fundamental normative issues. This article aims to add to the ethical discussion by using professionalisation theory as an analytical lens for investigating how medical action at the micro level and the physician-patient relationship might be affected by the employment of ML_CDSS. MAIN TEXT: Professionalisation theory, as a distinct sociological framework, provides an elaborated account of what constitutes client-related professional action, such as medical action, at its core and why it is more than pure expertise-based action. Professionalisation theory is introduced by presenting five general structural features of professionalised medical practice: (i) the patient has a concern; (ii) the physician deals with the patient's concern; (iii) s/he gives assistance without patronising; (iv) s/he regards the patient in a holistic manner without building up a private relationship; and (v) s/he applies her/his general expertise to the particularities of the individual case. Each of these five key aspects are then analysed regarding the usage of ML_CDSS, thereby integrating the perspectives of professionalisation theory and medical ethics. CONCLUSIONS: Using ML_CDSS in medical practice requires the physician to pay special attention to those facts of the individual case that cannot be comprehensively considered by ML_CDSS, for example, the patient's personality, life situation or cultural background. Moreover, the more routinized the use of ML_CDSS becomes in clinical practice, the more that physicians need to focus on the patient's concern and strengthen patient autonomy, for instance, by adequately integrating digital decision support in shared decision-making.

Sistemas de Apoio a Decisões Clínicas , Médicos , Ética Médica , Feminino , Humanos , Aprendizado de Máquina , Relações Médico-Paciente
Homeopatia Méx ; 90(725): 17-22, abr-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1377993


El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de reflexionar, desde una plataforma bioética y legal, sobre las consideraciones que el médico en ejercicio debe tener presente ante el impacto de una emergencia sanitaria, como la pandemia de la covid-19, que le permitan responder con rapidez pero brindando una atención médica con previsión y calidad científica, capaz de contener la transmisibilidad del virus SARS-CoV-2 y así evitar que la capacidad hospitalaria sea rebasada, pero sobre todo para abordar adecuadamente los múltiples dilemas bioéticos que surjan y velar en todo momento por la dignidad, la integridad y la autonomía de las personas, con respeto a sus derechos humanos y en cumplimiento con la normativa vigente nacional e internacional. Estas consideraciones bioéticas y legales, si bien pueden no ser las únicas, son resultado del análisis discursivo, conceptual y crítico realizado, tres de los métodos empleados para el desarrollo de este trabajo.

The present work aims to reflect, from a bioethical and legal platform, on the considerations that the practicing physician must bear in mind in the face of the impact of a health emergency, which has been the case with the COVID-19 pandemic as of today. These must allow them to respond quickly, but they must also be able to provide medical care with foresight and scientific quality capable of containing the transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and thus avoiding that hospital capacity is exceeded. Above all, the practicing physician must adequately address the multiple bioethical dilemmas that arise, and they must, always, ensure the dignity, integrity and autonomy of people, with respect for their human rights and, as well as comply with current international and national. regulations. These bioethical and legal considerations, although they may not be the only ones of their kind, are the result of the discursive, conceptual and critical analysis carried out, three of the methods used for the development of this paper.

Temas Bioéticos , Ética Médica , Regulamento Sanitário Internacional/ética , COVID-19/prevenção & controle
J Bioeth Inq ; 18(1): 33-44, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449314


The following pages sketch the outlines of "a Canaanite reading" of the health system. Beginning with the Black person-African, Afro-diasporic, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander-who is seen by a health professional, the functions and effects of the racializing gaze are examined. I wrestle with Al Saji's understanding of "colonial disregard," Whittaker's insights into the extractive disposition of settler institutions vis-à-vis Indigenous peoples, and Saidiya Hartman and Fred Moten's struggle with the spectacular. This leads me to conclude that the situation of the Black within the health system is a tragic one. The prescription for the path out of this tragedy that I settle on, responding to Okiji's opening call, is found in Vernon Ah Kee's "Unwritten" series.

Meditação , Médicos , Racismo , Ética Médica , Humanos , Havaiano Nativo ou Outro Ilhéu do Pacífico
Psychiatr Danub ; 33(Suppl 4): 1210-1217, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35354189


In this paper authors described some of the principles and theses of Hippocratic medicine. They emphasized that regardless existing controversial opinions as to whether Hippocrates stated some theses or not, and controversial views on some of his principles, he is often called the "father" of medicine, who laid the foundations in medicine as a science. Hippocrates gave recommendations on the doctor's behavior towards the patient, which is relevant up today. His holistic approach to medicine is becoming more and more relevant in the modern medicine. The application of the Hippocratic Oath today depends on the legislation of individual states, related to how legal solutions in some states are pro or contra to it. Authors opened and discussed his attitudes that mental illnesses are a sign of a diseased brain, his consideration the food as medicine and that the disease came from the intestines. Also issue of prognosis of the disease was opened and discussed as well as and Hippocrates's consideration of work and physical activity as the most appropriate medicine. Furthermore, authors considered importance of Hippocratic medicine related to Creative psychopharmacotherapy based on therapeutic communication and the creative satisfaction of needs in the therapeutic relationship with patients and in the recovery itself. Finally, an example of creatively use of the principle of Hippocratic medicine: "work as the most appropriate medicine" in therapeutic communication with patients through an ecological approach called "Ecopsychiatry", under the slogan presented in the media to the general public: "Cleansing nature improves your mental health" was described.

Ética Médica , Medicina , Exercício Físico , Juramento Hipocrático , Humanos , Saúde Mental
Soc Sci Med ; 258: 113073, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32480185


Owing to a growing policing of borders, healthcare professionals become increasingly involved in the biopolitical management of migrants' mobility. While their presence on sites of migration control and detention is necessary to ensure migrants' access to healthcare, their role risks being instrumentalized to ensure the sustainability of detention and swiftness of deportations. This article analyses the practice and ethics of midwives' medical expertise in processes of migration control in the French overseas department of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean. Midwives in this setting are required to assess the health of pregnant women intercepted at sea by the police in order to determine whether they can be detained. The article traces how midwives come to be invested with a power to police patients' mobility. In the face of such unwelcome responsibilities, midwives resorted to emotional distancing while suspicion on both sides impeded the possibility of genuine relations of care. The article analyses how midwives framed the ethical dilemmas at hand and examines how they perceived their decision-making responsibility. I argue that midwives are socialized into the logics of border enforcement and gradually brought to implement a minimal version of care as a result of migration control's inroads into care. The article thus questions the function and meaning of biopolitics within migration control and aims at initiating a conversation around the necessary conditions for ensuring medical personnel's independence in these extraordinary care settings. The article draws on a three-months fieldwork completed in Mayotte between mid-April and mid-July 2017 during which I conducted 40 interviews with healthcare professionals in perinatal health services and 15 interviews with officers from stakeholder organizations, from local and international NGOs to health institutions. This article draws in particular on interviews with the medical team that was required to attend to migrant women intercepted at sea by the police.

Deportação , Tocologia , Ética Médica , Feminino , Humanos , Oceano Índico , Gravidez , Gestantes
Afr J Reprod Health ; 24(1): 165-181, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32358948


In light of the relational account of autonomy and the modern (holistic and phenomenological) account of health, this paper examines ethical justifications for ̳consensual' reinfibulation. Significant and constant discomfort in the body following deinfibulation might make a case for reinfibulation (considered as medical treatment in the traditional sense of the term). In any other case, the following requirements should be met for reinfibulation to be considered medically plausible: a) strong evidence that reinfibulation could help effectively improve woman's relational well-being, b) insignificant complications are expected, c) congruence between first-order and second-order autonomy or -in the context of political liberalism- strong second-order autonomy, d) an -open door‖ for the woman to exit an oppressive context, e) rigorous scrutiny of woman's psychology, and f) woman's practical wisdom to organize her identity-related values, find a balance between her extreme emotions and realize her own goal of meaningful life in accordance with her own conception of the good. Conclusively, in carefully screened cases and individually judged requests for reinfibulation, it should not be ruled out that, after having been conducted a multi-disciplinary in- depth investigation at social, psychological and medical level may be met conditions that make a case for reinfibulation.

Circuncisão Feminina/psicologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia/psicologia , Saúde da Mulher , Direitos da Mulher , Circuncisão Feminina/reabilitação , Ética Médica , Feminino , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia/ética , Humanos
Am J Hosp Palliat Care ; 37(1): 72-78, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31030526


JM is a 32-year-old primagravida with polycystic ovary disease. She had extreme difficulty conceiving and was started on clomiphene 6 months ago by her fertility specialist. After doubling the dose on the sixth cycle, she successfully became pregnant. On her second prenatal visit at 12 weeks gestation, an ovarian cyst was detected. Ultrasound showed a complex ovarian mass with nodules on the bowel and abdominal wall. There was mild-to-moderate peritoneal fluid. Cytology showed adenocarcinoma of ovarian origin. Further workup demonstrated advanced stage III epithelial ovarian cancer. JM was referred to GYN-oncology who felt pregnancy-sparing debulking was not an option. The oncologist recommended termination of pregnancy due to the risks of delaying chemotherapy. JM refused, citing her fertility difficulties in the past and her desire to carry the pregnancy to term "even if it kills me." She tells the oncologist she cannot bear the thought of terminating her pregnancy under any circumstances. The oncologist wants to comply with her wishes but feels the patient is making a choice that would result in harm to herself. The oncology team requests an ethics consult.

Adenocarcinoma/tratamento farmacológico , Antineoplásicos/uso terapêutico , Ética Médica , Neoplasias Ovarianas/tratamento farmacológico , Adulto , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Espiritualidade